Muscle Relaxer Before Tattoo: Expert Advice Inside!

When you get a tattoo, you are both excited and worried. Imagining all the beautiful strokes and patterns on your body can thrill you for the needlework. But the pain that comes with the process might worry, especially if it’s your first time. 

There are a lot of things that first-timers can consider to diminish the pain, such as numbing creams and pain relieving sprays. But one thigh that you can consider is a muscle relaxer.

Since the muscle relaxers release the muscle tensions, ease down your tattoo area, and you can feel somewhat less pain. But is it good for you and your tattoo? Let’s read ahead!

A Little About Muscle Relaxers

About Muscle Relaxers

Muscle relaxers are medications that relieve your muscle tension and pain. But how do they work? Muscle relaxers reduce your muscle’s movement which reduces muscle spasms. As a result, you get better muscle mobility.

You will need to take muscle relaxers when you suffer from strains, sprains, and spasms in the muscles. Not only that most medical professionals recommend it to treat different types of back pain.

Different types of muscle relaxers are available, including Baclofen, Cyclobenzaprine, Methocarbamol, and Tizanidine. These medications primarily treat muscle spasms and promote muscle relaxation in conditions such as multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, and musculoskeletal conditions.

Can I Take a Muscle Relaxer Before Getting a Tattoo?

Can I Take a Muscle Relaxer Before Getting a Tattoo

The answer can be both a yes and a no. Why? Relaxers can help you sail through the painful process of tattooing smoothly, but they come with some risks. The muscle relaxers can protect you from pain owing to their muscle-tension-releasing practice.

But here is a catch. The muscle relaxers come with some risk of making you sleepy or dizzy during your appointment. And when you are getting a tattoo, you need to be alert. Why? You will tell the artist about any throbbing or unbearable pain. 

Apart from that, muscle relaxers can also make your blood thin. And why would it be a concern? Because when you get inkwork, your dermis bleeds a bit, but when your blood is thin, the bleeding will be immense. 

Before considering taking any medication to get a tattoo, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional or your tattoo artist. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation and medical history.

Why Use Muscle Relaxers Before Tattoos

You will see mixed opinions regarding taking muscle relaxers before getting tattoos. Some say that muscle relaxers can help reduce pain and discomfort during tattooing. However, some suggest getting marijuana or other distractions but not muscle relaxers. Let me tell you first why should you use muscle relaxers.

  • The whole process will be much easier to sail through as it reduces pain and discomfort attributed to inkwork. 
  • If you have low pain tolerance the muscle relaxers can be best for you. It will not hurt to the extent that you will leave the tattoo couch. 
  • If you get a tattoo on the muscled area, chances are you will feel stiffness and spasms. So when you get a muscle relaxer you will not feel any of that. 
  • If you find it difficult to sit still for longer periods during needlework owing to muscle discomfort get muscle relaxers.

Remember it’s a must to talk to a tattoo artist or medical professional before taking muscle relaxers. They can better guide you about them.

Why Not Use Muscle Relaxers Before A Tattoo?

Muscle relaxers yield amazing results for you. But remember they are drugs that do have side effects. Moreover, it’s your responsibility to be careful with using medications before the tattoo. Some of the downsides of taking muscle relaxers are:

  • Your head might start to spin or worse you can feel dizzy. And as I mentioned debris you need to stay alert during the tattoo process to keep an eye on your tattoo. 
  • You can’t communicate with your tattoo artist about the pain or any discomfort you feel. 
  • Another major downside is that muscle relaxers can make your blood thin. And it can lead to excessive bleeding during the process. Result? You can take more time to heal the tattoo. And worst you can get an infection if not taken care of properly.
  • You might get an allergic reaction to the muscle relaxers. So if it’s your first time taking muscle relaxers don’t take them. 

What Can I Use Instead of Muscle Relaxant For Tattoo Pain?

So if you are worried about using muscle relaxers and frightened of potential side effects we have some alternatives for you. You can consider using them before your inkwork appointment and they don’t pose risks. 

Topical Numbing Creams and Pain relieving Sprays

Several skin creams numb the area. And when you apply them you don’t feel during the ink sessions. Some of the numbing creams are: 

  • Ebanel Numb 520 Cream: This is a highly recommended numbing cream by tattoo artists. It is a multi-purpose cream that can help with the temporary relief of local and anorectal itching.
  • Lidocaine-based creams: Lidocaine is a common ingredient in numbing creams Since it blocks the pain signals to the brain and hence you don’t feel any pain.
  • Bactine: Bactine is also a good numbing spray that can numb the skin. You can get it at any over-the-counter store and apply it before inkwork.

Apart from these, you can also use numbing sprays. These numbing sprays can locally anesthetize the tattoo area and you don’t feel the pain. 

Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises and meditation can help a lot to get you through the tattooing process. To relax your muscles you can inhale deeply hold your breath for a few seconds and then release your breath slowly out of the mouth. This will make you more relaxed during the session. 

Distract Yourself

You should distract yourself during the inkwork. For instance, you can listen to your favorite podcast or music. Moreover, you can bring in a friend and talk to him during the sessions. Moreover, you can spin a fidget or leverage a stress ball to distract yourself. Make sure to grab your attention to anything else, not the tattoo.

Ice packs

Although it’s not that effective, applying ice packs can numb the area and minimize pain. Since the ice packs cool down the area when the skin comes back to its normal temperature you will feel pain. 

Imagine the Final Tattoo Look

You can imagine your tattoo’s final look to distract your mind. Imagine how pleased you will be after your vivid and crisp tattoo. Don’t think about pain, think about the results that the pain yields. 

Take breaks

Tattooing can take hours to complete. And bearing pain can be so difficult during this time. So whenever you feel that pain is unbearable ask your tattooist to give you some breaks. You can relax yourself during this time, drink water and calm your nerves. 


Taking a muscle relaxer before a tattoo may help reduce pain and discomfort during the procedure. But, it is important to consult with your tattoo artist or a healthcare professional First. Why? Because they ensure that it is safe and suitable for your specific situation. 

Since muscle relaxers may make you dizzy and thin your blood you can have trouble getting a tattoo. Taking muscle relaxers before getting a tattoo may have potential benefits. It is crucial to weigh the potential risks and consult with a healthcare professional or tattoo artist before deciding.

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Alex Martin

Alex Martin here.I am leading contributor with decade of experience in the tattoo industry, combining artistic talent with an in-depth understanding of tattoo care and safety standards.

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